The Subaru Forester has a well-known problem with head gasket failure on their 2.5L H4 engine. This common Subaru problem typically happens at 100k to 150k mile odometer readings. This vehicle was very punctual at 151,136 miles...
2007 Subaru Forester with Head Gasket problem
How to delay head gasket replacement on your Subaru? Frequently check the oil and coolant levels on any Subaru five years or older. And the older your Subaru gets, the more frequently the oil and coolant levels should be checked! Daily in some cases.
This Subaru Forester barely made it past the typical maximum head gasket life of 150k miles.
Head gasket life can be extended by performing the Subaru factory-recommended coolant replacement every second year and using the special coolant additive produced by Subaru. But even with the best maintenance, these Subaru engines will need head gasket replacement by 150K mileage. Our intent is to fix this problem for the remainder of the vehicle's life around the 300k mile point, or at least another 150k miles.
Vehicle: 2007 Subaru Forester X, 2.5L, H4 (150CI) VIN(6)
Problem: Customer reports oil leaks from the engine.
Subaru Forester engine oil leak from head gasket failure. The oil is carried back under the vehicle. Often the oil gets onto the exhaust resulting in smoke and a burning oil smell.
Cause: Visual inspection found oil and coolant leaking from failed cylinder head gaskets. Recommended head gasket replacement as soon as possible.
View of the bottom of the engine showing the Subaru Forester engine coolant leak from failed head gaskets. The green coolant is carried back under the vehicle and drips onto the ground. Often the coolant gets onto the exhaust resulting in smoke and a sweet burnt smell. Coolant can poison pets and is a serious environmental hazard that should be repaired as soon as possible.
Repair: Replace head gaskets. Removed intake manifold and unbolted cylinder heads. Sent cylinder heads to the machine shop for resurfacing to ensure the gasket surface is flat and the correct finish for maximum gasket adhesion.
NOTE: We do not use failure-prone Subaru replacement head gaskets. We recommend using aftermarket FelPro Subaru head gaskets. We have found they are superior and last much longer than the Subaru factory replacement gaskets.
We use Felpro replacement head gaskets (blue). They have a superior design and materials, making them last longer than the Subaru factory gaskets.
Removed the timing belt, tensioner, and water pump. Cleaned the area of leaked coolant and oil. Removed and installed a new water pump. Replaced cylinder heads, installed new timing belt and timing belt tensioner, and verified correct timing of camshafts and crankshaft. Re-installed surrounding components. Inspect hoses and clamps. Cleaned and flushed the cooling system. Refilled with the proper mix of coolant and coolant additive. Pressure test the cooling system to check for leaks. Check thermostat and cooling fan operation.
Change Engine oil and oil filter. Courtesy vehicle inspection. Check lights, under-hood fluid levels, and tire pressure. Check the condition of all belts and lines. Auto air conditioning service. Evacuate and recharge the AC system to allow engine disassembly for head gasket replacement. Test AC system performance. Ran the engine and verified no leaks. Test drove the vehicle and found no engine management computer codes present. Repair successful.
Tips: The customer's concern was the oil leak. But the serious problem was the coolant leak which they didn't notice. The oil leaks are much more noticeable, but the coolant leak can quickly cause the engine to overheat, resulting in serious engine damage. Subaru overheating can result in a destroyed engine requiring an expensive engine replacement. If you have engine oil leaks on a Subaru, monitor the coolant level on a daily basis!
The oil leaks usually start before the coolant leaks. As soon as the oil leaks start, we strongly recommended weekly monitoring for coolant leaks and getting the head gaskets replaced as soon as coolant leaks start. Besides the environmental harm coolant leaks cause, a coolant leak can result in engine overheating and engine destruction. A Subaru engine replacement costs much more than a head gasket replacement. Also, the coolant can enter the oil system resulting in destroyed engine bearings and a complete engine rebuild. This is a case where the longer you postpone this repair, the more the repair will cost.
Do regular coolant replacement every two years and use a Subaru-specific coolant additive. It won't prevent Subaru head gasket failure, but it will greatly extend how long the head gaskets last!
See our detailed information about Subaru head gasket replacement.
We are a Subaru specialist. Contact Abbott Street Auto for all your Subaru repairs and service in Ann Arbor, MI.
Abbott Street Auto Service
2470 W. Stadium Blvd
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
(734) 665-8700
Located near the Westgate Shopping Center.
Near Dexter, MI, Pittsfield, MI, Saline, MI, Ypsilanti, MI
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