Ann Arbor Asian Import Auto Repair Shop

2016 Chevy Cruze Brake Noise

Today's Repair Of The Day is a Grinding Noise from vehicle when the brakes are used.

Vehicle: 2016 Chevrolet Cruze

Problem: Grinding noise from vehicle when brakes applied.

Diagnosis: Technician test drove the vehicle and confirmed brake grinding noise. Wheels removed and found the brake pad friction material completely worn away and grinding metal on metal brake rotors. Both front and rear brake pads worn below minimum brake pad thickness specification. Inspected Brake Calipers and confirmed they were working correctly.

Repair: Front brake pad replacement, front brake rotor replacement, rear brake pad replacement, rear brake rotor replacement, lubricated brake caliper hardware, flush and replace brake fluid. Test drive for quality control.

Chevy Cruze brake noise repair in Ann Arbor, MI

2016 Chevrolet Cruze with grinding noise when brakes applied.


Chevrolet cruze brake repair near Ann Arbor M

Damaged brake rotor caused by worn brake pads. Dangerous brake safety issue due to lack of brake function.


Chevrolet Cruze brake rotor replacement in Ann Arbor MI

Chevrolet Cruze New brake rotor replacement. Notice smooth, flat surface that provides maximum brake function and stopping power.


Common Chevy Cruze Brake Repair FAQ

How long should my Chev Cruze brakes last?

Chevy Cruze brake pads last between 30,000 and 70,000 miles depending on your driving habits. If you commute in heavy traffic or are a heavy brake user you should get brake inspections more often.

Why when I press the brake pedal my car pulls to one side?

If the brake caliper or caliper piston become rusted and stuck the braking power on that wheel is decreased and stronger braking power on the opposite wheel pulls the vehicle in that direction. Usually the brake pads will wear at different rates and have uneven wear. A brake inspection will confirm a brake caliper problem.

Is it safe to drive with vibrating or shuddering brakes?

Brake shudder can be dangerous. Braking power is seriously decreased. Shuddering brakes are usually caused by damaged or worn brake pads or rotors. Damaged or worn brake pads should be replaced immediately.

At Abbott Street Auto Service, you can count on us to provide a positive customer experience that is backed by honesty, integrity, and quality work. If you’ve never tried Abbott Street Auto Service we are located at 2470 W. Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. Give us a call anytime at (734) 665-8700 if you would like us to inspect your vehicle and recommend a brake repair that is right for you. You’ll be glad you did.